To Do : Eisenhower Matrix

The Eisenhower Matrix, inspired by the 34th President of the United States, Dwight D. Eisenhower, is based on his famous quote: “What is important is seldom urgent and what is urgent is seldom important.” The purpose of this article is to introduce a free template of Eisenhower Matrix in Excel.

This time management model was popularized due to its effectiveness in decision-making and task prioritization. Eisenhower, faced with complex strategic choices, developed this system to better organize his priorities and optimize his productivity. Today, this method remains a powerful tool for efficiently managing tasks in a modern work environment.

This dynamic template is organized into four distinct quadrants, each representing a different priority based on the principle of the Eisenhower Matrix (Urgent/Important). Integrated macros ensure smooth and automatic task management according to their urgency and importance:

  • Quadrant 1: Urgent & Important
    Handles critical tasks that need to be executed immediately. A dedicated macro prioritizes these items for quick action.
  • Quadrant 2: Not Urgent but Important
    Focuses on planning and long-term tasks, with periodic reminders to ensure follow-up, thanks to a deadline management macro.
  • Quadrant 3: Urgent but Less Important
    Identifies tasks that can be delegated. A macro automatically redistributes these actions to colleagues or subcontractors.
  • Quadrant 4: Neither Urgent nor Important
    For low-value tasks, this section uses a macro to regularly assess the relevance of these actions, facilitating their deletion or archiving.

Main Features

  • Eisenhower Matrix excel template has 4 quadrants
  • Macros that smoothen useful features :
    • Promote / Demote a task (will move a task from a quadrant to the other)
    • Move Up / Move Down a task (within the same quadrant)
    • Mark as complete
    • Highlight with a flag (3 colors)
    • Archive a task (once completed or at any time)
    • Delete a task


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Download link

To download this tool, click on the following link :


  • This tool is free
  • It can be modified by the user
  • Cannot be redistributed or sold


  • MAC / PC Excel 2016 – 2024 : OK
  • MAC / PC Office 365 : OK

Additional details

  • Language(s): English
  • Revision 2

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  1. Thanks for sharing this

  2. Thanks, I like it

  3. Hi,
    Very nice template. Thank you!

    Two questions:
    1- I changed ground and text colour for Decide area from green to blue. When I double click to add a new task, the ground colour turns back to green for the added tasks. I could not find how to fix it form macro. How can I do?
    2- Is there Google Sheets template?

    Thanks in advance,

  4. Excellent tool. Thank you!

  5. Hi, I really like this tool.
    Only have one problem, sometimes when I want to archive task, excel completely freeze and I need to restart it.
    Any suggestion how to fix this?

  6. this is really awesome! would it be possible to share how this was made? a tutorial of some sort as i also want to create my own tools someday. thanks!

  7. Hi, very great tool! thanks very much.
    How can I can the colors of the cells?

  8. Are you able to copy and paste in new tasks? Also what if you want to have more tasks then the spreadsheets has room for? For example if my tasked move all the way down to the double click on this for a new task button? Thanks

    1. Hi Michael
      It is possible to copy paste. I can arrange special one for you if you have many items in your list.

  9. NICE!

  10. Nice template you got there. It’s even got macros which is a great help to me, a first time user of eisenhower’s matrix. Thank you very much.

  11. Hello!
    I really like your Matrix, is the most beautiful I have found in the Internet, however I won’t use it because it is not available online from any computer.
    Is it possible to have it on Google Drive?
    Do you have an Android Application for this tool?
    Thank you!

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