License Agreement for the Gantt Chart Maker
- You may customize your personal copy of the Gantt Chart Maker: add, remove, change, update any part of the worksheets, cells, formulas, conditional formatting, etc.
- You may share your Gantt Chart Maker with related stakeholders involved in the project, make additional copies for each of your projects and save back-up copies.
- Stakeholders in direct relationship with your project (project team members, suppliers, customers, colleagues, superiors, family, classmates, …) may update the content of the Gantt Chart Maker you share with them AS LONG AS IT IS FOR THE SAME PROJECT INITIATED BY THE HOLDER OF THE LICENSE. IN THE CASE THEY WISH TO USE THE GANTT CHART MAKER FOR ANOTHER PROJECT OR PURPOSE, THEY SHOULD PURCHASE THEIR OWN COPY.
- The FREE and the PRO Versions are shared under single-user license. Only the holder of the license can set-up the template for a new project. In the case of a company or organization with more than 15 employees, special agreement can be made upon request.
- This Gantt Chart Maker should not be made available to the general public (meaning people not in your immediate relationship, organization or company) in a format that it can be used in its full extent. For instance, sharing the Excel file of your Gantt Chart trough Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Mass Mail, P2P platforms or in any other way that it is accessible by people not directly related to the project. You may share the pdf-file or screenshots of your Gantt Chart with general public.
- You agree that you will not reproduce, copy, duplicate, sell, resell, rent or trade the Gantt Chart Maker, or any part thereof, for any purpose. You agree you will not extract, scrape, re-utilize, reproduce, modify, decompile, decrypt, reverse engineer, disassemble, or attempt to derive the source code or create derivative works of any portions of the provided content for another use than as permitted in this agreement.
- Reasonable skill and due care were used while making this Gantt Chart Maker, but, to the greatest extent permissible by applicable law, we do not guarantee that any content you may input will not be subject to inadvertent damage, corruption, loss, or removal and we shall not be responsible should such damage, corruption, loss, or removal occur. It is your responsibility to maintain appropriate backup of your data and ensure that the provided Gantt Chart Maker is suitable for your requirements. We should not be liable in the case of negligence in development process. YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT THE GANTT CHART MAKER IS PROVIDED ON AN “AS IS” BASIS.
- You shall not remove, obscure, or alter any proprietary notices (including trademark and copyright notices) that may be affixed to or contained within the provided files. Microsoft Excel is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
- The use of the template, except as permitted in this agreement, is strictly prohibited and infringes on the intellectual property rights and may subject you to civil and criminal penalties, including possible monetary damages, for copyright infringement.