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Archives: FAQs
Is it possible to input task durations in weeks or months ?
It is possible to input task durations in days, weeks or months. Ideally it is better to input these durations in days but if your planning does not allow such precision level you can input them in weeks or in months. Next to any duration there is a letter “d” which means “days”. If you double click on it you …
What is the purpose of a “Milestone”
Milestones are tools used in project management to mark specific points along a project timeline. These points may signal anchors such as a project start and end date, a need for external review or input and budget checks, among others. In many instances, milestones do not impact project duration. Instead, they focus on major progress points that must be reached …
How to copy/paste tasks between different gantt charts ?
When you copy/paste tasks from different gantt charts, you will get a warning message similar to the one below: Just click on the button “Yes”: it will not have any impact on your file. Did you find a solution to your question ? Link to the contact form Back to the top of the page
How to Modify Working Days (week days) ?
To choose the working days that apply to your project, click on the icon « Working Days » then choose « Monday to Friday » or « Monday to Sunday ». The Gantt Chart will adjust automatically. If Saturday and Sunday are non-working days, they will be greyed-out. By default, week-end days are “Saturday and Sunday”. If you would like to modify this choice, choose from the …
How to Modify Holidays and Vacations ?
This Gantt Chart Maker is able to exclude holidays when calculating a duration. These holidays can be: Bank holidays Shut down periods of the company Any other vacation period you want to exclude First of all, as a pre-requisite, the gantt chart should be set-up as « Working Days Only » (Monday to Friday). This parameter can be set from the …
How to extend the Gantt Chart period ?
By default, the gantt chart has 557 columns which represent roughly 18 months. Even your project is more than 18 months, it is possible to visualise it by changing the “Starting Date” of the chart and slide the visible portion. Another way is to extend the period of the Gantt Chart by adding new columns on the right side of …
How to hide the left menu ?
To hide/show the left menu click on the icon “«“: Did you find a solution to your question ? Link to the contact form Back to the top of the page
Comment ajouter de nouvelles tâches ?
COMMENT AJOUTER DE NOUVELLES TÂCHES ? MÉTHODE 1: UTILISATION DU MENU DÉDIÉ Depuis le ruban, cliquez sur “Ajouter” puis choisissez l’option que vous souhaitez: En dessous : ajout d’une nouvelle ligne en dessous de la tâche sélectionnée Au dessus : ajout d’une nouvelle ligne au dessus de la tâche sélectionnée Après la dernière ligne: ajout d’une nouvelle ligne après la dernière tâche de …
Comment changer la date de début du diagramme de gantt?
Le changement de la date de début du diagramme de Gantt se fait depuis le menu ruban: Cette date peut également être paramétrée depuis le menu de gauche “Date de départ”: La méthode la plus facile est de cliquer sur “Automatique” et la macro cherchera automatiquement la date la plus ancienne de votre diagramme. Une deuxième méthode consiste à choisir …