How to Activate/Deactivate the Reminder about « Enable Macros »?

Everytime the Gantt Chart Maker is opened, a reminder is displayed to ask the user to enable macros. Purpose of this reminder is to avoid the usage of the Gantt Chart Maker without the macros enabled which may impact the quality of the tool or give the impression that the file is not working properly. This is quite useful when …

How to Automatically Share the Latest Schedule by Email ?

This Excel Gantt Chart Maker has a nice feature that allows you to share your Excel file by email. Click on « Tools » then « Share by email ». A message will prompt asking you if you would like to pre-fill the recipients field automatically from the members list or not. This is meant to avoid you sending the schedule to all the …

How to Automatically Adjust Print Margins ?

It can be frustrating to adjust the print margins evrytime the schedule shorten or widen. Therefore we have included a macro that (literally) reads all the dates of the gantt charts and find out for you which last row and which last column should be considered for the print out. Simply click on « Tools » and « Adjust Print Margins »: And from …

How to Customize the Colors Used in the Gantt Chart?

FROM THE MENUS: From the ribbon menu « Style », pick one of the 6 pre-set colors: Default: Green, Grey and Red Blue Purple Orange Pink One color per person in charge: each team member can have his own color in the Gantt Chart This option is also available on the left menu: ADVANCED METHOD: If you would like to further customize these colors, …

How to customize the pre-defined colors of « one color per person in charge » ?

THE EASIEST WAY: The pre-defined set-up « one color per person in charge » allocate to each person one specific color. This visualization helps in identify who is responsibly for what. In order to not overload the calculations, this method can take up to 10 different persons in charge. The color allocated for each person in visible in the sheet named « Tools »: …

How to add a new gantt chart in the same file ?

It is possible to have multiple Gantt Charts in the same file. To add a new Gantt Chart, click on icon « New Gantt Chart » from the ribbon menu. It is also possible to use the usual copy-paste function of an existing sheet. Did you find a solution to your question ? Link to the contact form Back to the top of …

How to set dependencies (or constraints) between tasks ?

A dependency is a logical relationship between 2 tasks or between a task and a milestone. In the Gantt Chart Maker, 6 types of dependencies exist: METHOD 1: SET A DEPENDENCY BETWEEN TWO ADJACENT TASKS  The easiest way to set a dependency between two adjacent tasks is to use the dropdown menu from right click: Select the row of the subject …

How to Reach the support page from the Gantt Chart Maker ?

From the ribbon menu, click on the icon « About » and then « Help ». You will be transferred to the support page which contains a FAQ that is regularly updated. You may also use the right click menu: Did you find a solution to your question ? Link to the contact form Back to the top of the page

Contact Form

If you did not find an answer to your question from the above information, feel free to contact us using the following form:

Is it possible to input task durations in weeks or months ?

It is possible to input task durations in days, weeks or months. Ideally it is better to input these durations in days but if your planning does not allow such precision level you can input them in weeks or in months. Next to any duration there is a letter “d” which means “days”. If you double click on it you …